4 Best Tech Tips for Conference Organizers for Conference Vendors and Exhibitors

October 4, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 1: Centralize Communication Channels
  3. Tip 2: Use Task and Project Management Tools
  4. Tip 3: Streamline Operations with a Vendor Management System
  5. Tip 4: Leverage Data Analytics and Reporting Tools
  6. Conclusion: Streamlining Conference Vendor Management with StartingPoint


Organizing a successful conference involves juggling many elements, from managing speakers and attendees to coordinating with vendors and exhibitors. Efficiently managing these conference vendors and exhibitors is key to a smooth and successful event. One of the biggest challenges that conference organizers face is ensuring clear communication, task tracking, and operational efficiency for everyone involved in the event.

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, adopting the right software solutions can significantly improve these processes. For conference organizers, using technology that supports seamless communication, project management, and data analysis can save time, reduce stress, and ensure vendor satisfaction. This blog will cover four technology tips designed to streamline operations, focusing on communication, task management, and operations for conference vendors and exhibitors.

By applying these best practices, you'll enhance the experience for all parties involved, leading to a successful and efficiently run event.

Tip 1: Centralize Communication Channels

Effective communication is one of the most critical aspects of organizing a successful conference, especially when it comes to dealing with multiple vendors and exhibitors. Too often, organizers rely on disjointed methods like emails, phone calls, and messaging apps, which can lead to confusion and missed deadlines. By centralizing all communication, conference organizers can ensure that information flows smoothly between stakeholders.

Use a Unified Communication Platform

Investing in a unified communication platform can help streamline interactions between your team and vendors. This allows all participants to receive critical updates, share details, and get real-time responses in one place. These platforms can store and archive conversations, allowing everyone to refer back to previous communications, reducing the risk of misunderstandings.


  • Consistency: Ensures all communications follow a clear, organized process.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines conference support for conference vendors and exhibitors, reducing the time spent on back-and-forth emails.
  • Transparency: Centralized platforms ensure everyone stays on the same page.

Pro Tip: Use tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams, which offer integrations with task management and file-sharing systems, enabling exhibitors to upload booth configurations, media assets, or logistical requests directly.

Tip 2: Use Task and Project Management Tools

Managing multiple vendors and exhibitors involves dozens of tasks that need to be completed on time. From booth setup instructions to deadlines for media submissions, tracking these activities without technology can be overwhelming.

Implement Task Management Software

Task management tools allow organizers to assign specific tasks to vendors, track progress, and send reminders when deadlines are approaching. These tools can help streamline communication and ensure everyone is aware of what they need to do and when.

Task management software allows you to:

  • Assign specific tasks: Clearly outline the tasks required for each vendor.
  • Monitor deadlines: Keep track of important milestones and send automatic reminders.
  • Track task completion: Review whether tasks are completed or require follow-up action.


  • Organization: Simplifies conference preparation and tasks for vendors by categorizing tasks by deadlines and urgency.
  • Accountability: Vendors can see what’s expected of them, helping to avoid last-minute scrambles.
  • Collaboration: Exhibitors and vendors can collaborate within the system to provide updates or request help.

Tools like StartingPoint are excellent for managing tasks related to vendor preparations and conference logistics, ensuring a smooth workflow between the organizers and vendors.

Tip 3: Streamline Operations with a Vendor Management System

Vendor management is a critical component of running a successful conference. However, when you’re dealing with dozens (or even hundreds) of vendors and exhibitors, manually managing their individual needs can become chaotic. Vendor management systems (VMS) provide a way to centralize and automate key processes related to exhibitor onboarding, documentation, and communication.

Use a Vendor Management System (VMS)

A good VMS allows you to store contracts, booth layouts, and exhibitor profiles, giving both your team and vendors easy access to necessary documents. A SaaS for conference vendors like this can provide real-time status updates, which can alert organizers when certain exhibitors haven’t completed key steps in their conference preparation.

Key Features of a VMS:

  • Onboarding: Automates the process of bringing new vendors into the fold.
  • Booth Management: Provides tools for exhibitors to configure booth requirements and share them with organizers.
  • Document Sharing: Ensures all contracts, terms, and floor plans are readily available for review.


  • Operational Efficiency: Simplifies the onboarding process and the configuration of booths, improving operational efficiency for both organizers and vendors.
  • Reduced Error: Automated processes reduce the chance of human error, particularly when dealing with large volumes of vendor data.
  • Time-saving: Saves significant time spent manually inputting vendor information or requesting last-minute materials.

Tip 4: Leverage Data Analytics and Reporting Tools

Data analytics can provide valuable insights into the performance of your conference vendors and exhibitors, helping you make informed decisions and adjustments as needed. Analytics platforms help you evaluate key metrics, like which booths had the most traffic, which exhibitors generated the most leads, or which vendors were slow in completing their tasks.

Use Analytics Tools to Gain Insights

Using data analytics allows conference organizers to track the effectiveness of various vendors in real time. You can see which exhibitors engage the most with attendees, or which booths require more resources. Analytics can also help in post-event evaluations, offering insights into areas of improvement for future conferences.

Examples of Useful Metrics:

  • Booth Traffic: Measure how many attendees visited each booth to assess vendor success.
  • Lead Generation: Track leads generated by each vendor to help exhibitors evaluate their ROI.
  • Task Completion Rates: Identify which vendors are frequently missing deadlines and provide targeted support.


  • Informed Decisions: Helps streamline operations for conference organizers by offering insights into the most successful vendors and processes.
  • Optimization: Allows organizers to tweak booth setups, traffic flow, or vendor placement based on data-driven insights.

Conclusion: Streamlining Conference Vendor Management with StartingPoint

Conference organizers can greatly enhance their event planning and execution by leveraging the right technology for communication, task management, vendor onboarding, and analytics. However, to truly maximize efficiency and vendor satisfaction, you need a single platform that brings all of these elements together in one place.

StartingPoint is a comprehensive SaaS solution designed to simplify conference support for conference vendors and exhibitors. By using StartingPoint, organizers can centralize all requests, communication, and tasks related to vendor and exhibitor management. It allows vendors to easily access and share critical information like booth configurations, floor plans, and other logistical details, streamlining communication and reducing the potential for miscommunication.

With StartingPoint, you can:

  • Manage requests and support: Serve as the central hub for all vendor and exhibitor inquiries.
  • Track preparation tasks: Ensure vendors complete their necessary tasks on time.
  • Configure booth details: Allow exhibitors to share booth requirements and floor plans with ease.
  • Share critical information: Ensure exhibitors have easy access to important conference details, from schedules to venue layouts.

By adopting StartingPoint, you not only simplify the lives of your conference vendors and exhibitors but also create a more organized, efficient, and successful event.

Implementing these four tips, and integrating tools like StartingPoint, will streamline operations, improve communication, and ensure that your next conference runs seamlessly for both your organizing team and your exhibitors.

Visit StartingPoint at www.startingpoint.ai for more information.