5 Tips for Helping Your Workforce Adapt to Automation

December 3, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

There has been a rapid incline in the use of automation in many day-to-day activities, making life a bit simpler. Whether it’s through the implementation of chatbots or automated reporting tools, automation has become a new norm. It’s meant to make workloads a lot easier, as well as improve efficiency. However, not everyone may see it that way. The simple notion of automation taking over your job can cause a lot of stress, anger, and/or anxiety. It’s important to ensure that your employees are eased into the new adoption of automated services. This might not always be an easy task, which is why we’ll give you five tips on how to help your workforce adapt to automation:

workflow automation
  1. Provide Training and be Transparent

The use of automation in the workplace can be intimidating for your employees. Studies have shown that automation can make workers so anxious that they get sick. Make sure to provide the proper training for your employees, familiarize them with the new technology, and encourage feelings of levity about it. Testing out the new tech is always a good way to introduce it to yourself and, most importantly, your workers. Try scheduling a specific amount of time during the workweek to provide proper training for employees. By doing so, your employees will begin to feel more comfortable knowing how the automated tech operates and how it’s used. You’ll want the overall feeling toward the new automation to be a positive process and experience.

Be Transparent

There might be fear or worry from your workers when it comes to introducing new tech. Being as transparent and open with them as possible will help alleviate their stresses. Open up about how automation will be good for your business, how it will positively affect it, and the specific jobs of your employees.

  1. Be a Leader

It’s pivotal to lead by example, especially when introducing new automated processes in the workplace. Become familiar with the new technology, as it’s important that you understand it and possess the ability to explain it to your employees. If they see you embracing the change, they will most likely accept it as well. Describe your experience with the new technology, and ensure your workers there is nothing to worry about. Create an open-door policy so that you can provide answers to any questions your employees may have. Leading your workforce into change is a good way of instilling trust and guidance with the oncoming technology.

  1. Highlight the Positives

To combat any negative or worried feelings from your workers, make sure to highlight the positives of introducing automation into the workplace. While you may see all of the perks, your employees might see them differently. They may see a machine replacing them and their work duties or being told how to do their job. Ease them in the process by going over the benefits of including automation in their work lives. Discuss how it can increase overall productivity, take over mundane duties, improve sales, lessen workloads, and give your workers more time to focus on other tasks. Stating all the upsides will garner more positive feelings from your employees when they understand how it can benefit them and not just your business.

  1. Present Employees with New Opportunities

The use of automation can present your employees with a lot more time on their hands. Why not use that benefit to provide them with new opportunities in the workplace? You’ll want to make sure they don’t feel like they’re wasting time. They are an integral and valuable aspect of your business, so make sure you treat them as such. Find new opportunities to expand their work experiences or cross-train them in different departments. Have discussions about what they want, where their strengths and capabilities can be utilized in the workplace, and how they can grow. They might need some reassurance that the new automation won’t be replacing them or their jobs. Providing new opportunities for your employees can encourage them and open the playing field for more possibilities.

  1. Automate the Right Way

The best way to bring automation into the workplace is to focus on areas or tasks that can be repetitive and prone to error. While many areas can be improved with the use of automated technology, it’s important to realize that you should start in one zone before you overwhelm your workforce. Be mindful of the impact automation can have on your business, as well as the area of work that it covers. Weigh the pros and cons of what it can do, how it can do it better, and if it’s worth implementing. You don’t want to replace the job or task of your employee just because you can. Choose the correct process that will make the overall flow of your workplace more efficient, as well as ensure that it’s cost-effective in the long run.

Automation Outside of Work

If you introduce automated processes when working with clients, be mindful that it could potentially impact that process. While you can train your employees to deal with automation, you won’t have that same experience with your clients. Keep in mind whether or not the new automated technology might be too complicated if dealing directly with clients.

There’s also the potential of driving customers away if the automation deals directly with them. Customer service chatbots and automated emails can prove frustrating for customers, especially those who require a human touch or those worried about their email security. Weigh your options when making the call to implement customer service-oriented automation.

There are a lot of tough decisions to make when running a business, which is why it’s integral to know and understand every aspect of it, especially knowing what your business is worth. Take action today if you want assistance with marketing plans, pre-financing, or negotiations. Your business is vital, so make sure you provide it with the best services possible.

StartingPoint is the best way to get started with increasing your workforce automation goals. Our platform offers a comprehensive solution that can automate your business tasks and improve team productivity. With StartingPoint, it’s never been easier to leverage the potential of workflow automation

You can begin by creating a free account and exploring all the features that StartingPoint has to offer. Get started for free today.