5 Quick Solutions for Consulting Firms Struggling with Project Delivery

October 25, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Project delivery can be a major hurdle for consulting firms. Whether due to limited visibility, lack of transparency, poor coordination, or mismanaged client expectations, consulting firms face unique project management challenges that, if unaddressed, can delay project timelines and impact client satisfaction. To stay competitive and deliver on promises, consulting firms must adopt strategic solutions that improve their approach to project delivery. Here, we’ll explore five practical solutions to help consulting firms achieve seamless project delivery, gain visibility into project progress, and enhance client relationships.

1. Improve Project Visibility with Centralized Tracking Tools

Many consulting firms face challenges in tracking project status due to scattered data and siloed communication. Without a clear view of each project’s progress, team members and stakeholders may find it difficult to stay informed, make timely decisions, or address potential issues before they escalate. A lack of visibility can easily lead to missed deadlines, misunderstandings, and frustrated clients.

Solution: Centralize Project Data in a Single System

Using a centralized project tracking tool helps consulting firms consolidate all project information in one place, ensuring that team members and clients have easy access to status updates and key documents. A unified system provides visibility into each project’s timeline, assigned tasks, and current status, allowing for quick, real-time updates.

Best Practices:

  • Choose Software with Customizable Dashboards: Dashboards provide a quick, visual snapshot of a project’s current status, making it easy for teams to identify progress and potential risks.
  • Encourage Regular Status Updates: Schedule periodic updates to keep clients informed about project milestones and any changes, which improves transparency and strengthens client trust.

Centralized tracking enables consulting firms to provide visibility to both internal teams and clients, allowing for smoother communication and more proactive issue resolution.

2. Increase Transparency and Accountability with Defined Workflows

Without clear workflows and accountability, consulting firms can struggle with inconsistencies in project execution. If responsibilities are ambiguous, it’s challenging for team members to understand their roles, prioritize tasks, and keep projects on track. This can create bottlenecks, reduce efficiency, and ultimately delay delivery.

Solution: Define Clear Workflows and Assign Responsibilities

Implementing structured workflows and assigning specific roles for each project phase ensures that everyone understands their responsibilities and timelines. Clear workflows outline the sequence of tasks and identify who is responsible for each, which improves accountability and reduces confusion.

Best Practices:

  • Document All Project Phases: Break projects down into phases or milestones, and define the tasks within each phase.
  • Set Responsibility Ownership: Assign team members to each task, giving them clear accountability and a direct line for collaboration with other team members or clients.
  • Automate Routine Processes: Workflow automation can handle repetitive tasks, ensuring projects move seamlessly from one phase to the next without manual delays.

Defined workflows make it easier to keep projects on schedule and maintain accountability across the entire team, enhancing the firm’s ability to deliver on time.

3. Enhance Communication Channels for Better Coordination

Poor communication is one of the main reasons for project delays in consulting. If team members and clients aren’t aligned, important details may be missed, leading to delays or dissatisfaction. Effective communication is critical for addressing questions, clarifying tasks, and managing expectations throughout the project lifecycle.

Solution: Establish a Dedicated Communication Platform

A dedicated communication platform ensures that project-related conversations are consolidated in a single space, making it easier to access essential information and keep everyone in sync. By establishing a reliable communication channel, consulting firms can increase collaboration and avoid miscommunications that may impact delivery.

Best Practices:

  • Use Project-Specific Channels: Create dedicated channels or threads for each project to keep communication focused and organized.
  • Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Weekly or bi-weekly check-ins help to address questions, discuss progress, and resolve any emerging issues.
  • Leverage Video Conferencing for Complex Issues: While chat and email can handle most communication, use video conferencing for complex discussions to ensure clarity and alignment.

A dedicated communication platform improves coordination within consulting teams and enables timely responses to client inquiries, enhancing the overall project experience.

4. Set Clear Client Expectations from the Start

A common challenge consulting firms face is managing client expectations. When expectations are not clearly defined, clients may anticipate different outcomes, timelines, or levels of involvement, which can lead to frustration or dissatisfaction. Clear communication around expectations is essential to keep the project on track and foster a positive client experience.

Solution: Outline Scope, Timeline, and Responsibilities Early On

Setting expectations from the start ensures that clients understand the scope, deliverables, timeline, and their responsibilities. Clear expectations help prevent scope creep, keep projects on schedule, and reduce misunderstandings that may arise during delivery.

Best Practices:

  • Create a Detailed Project Proposal: Outline the project scope, objectives, timeline, milestones, and deliverables in a written document for client approval.
  • Discuss Client Involvement: Specify how and when clients are expected to provide input, review materials, or make decisions to keep the project moving smoothly.
  • Set Realistic Timelines: Be transparent about what’s achievable within the timeframe and allow some buffer for unforeseen delays. This helps in managing the client’s expectations from the start.

Setting clear expectations creates a solid foundation for the project, minimizing potential conflicts and ensuring alignment between the consulting team and the client.

5. Regularly Review Progress to Ensure On-Schedule Delivery

In consulting, project timelines are critical to client satisfaction. However, unforeseen issues can arise during delivery, and without regular progress reviews, it’s easy for teams to lose track of project status. Monitoring progress on a consistent basis enables consulting firms to address any deviations from the plan, identify blockers, and ensure on-time delivery.

Solution: Conduct Regular Project Reviews

Scheduling regular project reviews, both internally and with clients, ensures that progress is monitored and adjustments are made when necessary. Reviews allow the team to check task completion, identify any delays, and take proactive steps to keep the project on track.

Best Practices:

  • Weekly Internal Progress Reviews: Internally review the status of tasks, project milestones, and identify any bottlenecks.
  • Client Milestone Reviews: Update clients at key milestones, providing them with transparency and an opportunity to provide feedback.
  • Utilize Analytics for Insight: Use project analytics to track progress against milestones and forecast potential delays, helping teams stay proactive.

Regular reviews foster accountability, provide opportunities to correct course, and ensure that clients are kept in the loop, contributing to successful and timely project delivery.

How StartingPoint Can Help Consulting Firms with Project Delivery

StartingPoint is a powerful workflow and project management solution that can help consulting firms streamline their project delivery process. With StartingPoint, consulting firms can simplify work processes, improve visibility, and enhance communication with clients and internal teams alike.

Here’s how StartingPoint can drive efficiency and improve project delivery:

  • Centralized Project Tracking: StartingPoint provides a centralized platform for tracking all project-related information, giving teams and clients visibility into timelines, task progress, and milestones. This enables consulting firms to manage projects more efficiently and keep everyone informed.
  • Automated Workflows for Defined Processes: StartingPoint offers customizable workflows that automate repetitive tasks, ensuring projects progress smoothly and remain on schedule. Defined workflows also provide clarity on task ownership, enhancing accountability within the team.
  • Streamlined Client Communication: With StartingPoint’s dedicated communication tools, consulting firms can maintain organized communication channels for each project, allowing for faster responses and better coordination with clients.
  • Expectation Management and SLA Tracking: StartingPoint allows teams to define SLAs for each project task, making it easier to set and manage client expectations. The platform’s reporting features provide insights into performance against these SLAs, fostering transparency with clients.

StartingPoint empowers consulting firms to overcome the common challenges of project delivery by simplifying project management, increasing transparency, and providing tools to manage client expectations effectively. With StartingPoint, consulting firms can achieve on-schedule project delivery, boost client satisfaction, and create a solid foundation for sustainable growth.


Effective project delivery is critical for consulting firms looking to retain clients and maintain a competitive edge. By improving visibility, establishing clear workflows, enhancing communication, setting expectations, and regularly reviewing progress, consulting firms can overcome common project delivery challenges and achieve client satisfaction.

StartingPoint offers the tools and capabilities to help consulting firms streamline project management, improve coordination, and enhance client transparency. With StartingPoint, consulting firms can confidently deliver projects on time, exceed client expectations, and build a reputation for excellence in project delivery.

Visit StartingPoint at www.startingpoint.ai for more information.