Improve Your Customer Operations To Increase Your NPS

December 30, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

If you want to improve your customer operations, your attention must turn to your NPS score. The Net Promoter Score for your organization should never be overlooked. This can provide you with vital insights into how your services are perceived by customers. Those actively attempting to improve their NPS scores should focus on improving customer operations.

Those running customer-centric businesses recognize the undeniable importance of operating around their needs. If you can put your customers first and craft an operational structure that successfully caters to their needs, you will win. It’s really that simple. At StartingPoint we have worked hard to develop the right solutions for organizations looking to improve operations.

You cannot have a high NPS score without a smooth customer experience. To improve your NPS score, you must review the customer journey and consider how this can be optimized and enhanced to better meet their needs. Customer experience is an all-encompassing term that ultimately boils down to your overall effectiveness at meeting and exceeding expectations.

It’s often easy to place customer operations on the backburner. To ensure customers get to the stage where they feel ready to advocate for your services, you must deliver incredible experiences. There’s no room for complacency here. When a customer or client signs up for your services, the hard work begins. You must do all you can to turn them into an advocate.

In this short guide, we are going to be exploring why improving your customer operations is essential to increasing your NPS. It’s time to start recognizing a Net Promoter Score as a vital metric for measuring customer experience. Referrals and recommendations are the lifeblood of any service business. To grow in the long term, you’re going to need an army of advocates.

NPS rating scale

We will be exploring the following questions:

  • What is a Net Promoter Score?
  • How do you calculate a Net Promoter Score?
  • What's a good NPS score?
  • How can I improve my NPS customer service?
  • How do I increase my NPS response rate?

After reading this guide, if you have any further questions about improving your customer operations to increase your NPS, please do not hesitate to contact us. At StartingPoint there is nothing we are more passionate about than providing organizations of every size and scale with the tools they need to promote customer retention and advocacy.

What is a Net Promoter Score?

A Net Promoter Score, NPS, should measure customer experience and help to predict the overall growth of your business. This is a proven metric and core measurement that has transformed how many organizations measure success. If you’re looking to accurately measure customer satisfaction and control customer retention, this is for you.

Discovering the Net Promoter Score for your organization is relatively easy. All it involves is a single question on a customer survey. This question should ask the customers to essentially rate the likelihood that they would recommend your services to either a friend or colleague. It couldn’t be easier for customers to participate in a feedback survey like this.

How do you calculate a Net Promoter Score?

A Net Promoter Score can be calculated by answering the following question on a simple 0-10 scale: How likely are you to recommend our services to a friend or colleague? A question like this leaves no room for ambiguity. The numerical values can then be used to measure the customer experience and the overall effectiveness of your customer operations.

Typically, the responding customers will be grouped as follows:

Those with scores of between 9-10 are considered to be promoters. These are enthusiastic customers that have expressed their overall satisfaction and are likely to keep paying for your services and encourage others to do the same. These people are vital to fuelling growth and will help you to take your business to the next level.

Those with scores of between 7-8 are happy but unenthusiastic customers that may be open to accepting offers from potential competitors. These are known as passives. While they are pleased with your service, they are not yet expressing any sense of brand loyalty. It is crucial that these customers are looked after and have their needs addressed in a timely manner.

Those with scores of between 0-6 are relatively unhappy customers that have the potential to damage the overall reputation of your brand. These customers are known as detractors. As a result, they are likely to stall the growth of your business with their negative perception of your brand. There’s nothing worse than having negative word-of-mouth.

When you subtract the percentage of detractors away from the percentage of promoters, this will yield the Net Promoter Score. Typically, this will range from a low score of -100 to a high score of 100. A high score of 100 would assume that every customer is a promoter. A score of -100 would assume that every customer is a detractor. These extreme scores are rare.

NPS Promoter

What's a good NPS score?

Any score above 0 is considered to be a good NPS score. If you’re struggling to get a higher score than 0, you should think about ways to improve your customer operations and increase customer satisfaction in your services. You should use this score to directly track your ability to promote customer advocacy and the overall effectiveness of your operations.

How can I improve my NPS customer service?

To improve your customer service, you need to take a look at your operations. You should start by considering the potential benefits of deploying a SaaS solution like StartingPoint. This will enable you to take a streamlined approach to customer and client communication, bringing all of your team members under one single platform.

How do I increase my NPS response rate?

Increasing your NPS response rate is essential to getting more accurate data. You need to build a feedback survey into your customer journey. This should be added to the retention stage of the sales funnel. The more customers that participate in your NPS survey, the better.

Are you ready to utilize the right customer service tools for your firm? You should consider using StartingPoint to enhance customer experiences. Request a 14-day free trial today.